However, when we really get down to it, why do we eat that fast food that causes our waist lines to bulge out all over in the first place; why do we overindulge when our bodies our telling us that’s ‘enough I’m full’; and why do habitually we sit at home on our big backsides rather than getting our running shoes on and going for that beneficial jog? The answer is that we do those things that are ‘bad and un-beneficial’ for our bodies unconsciously and out of sheer habit! This is where weight loss through hypnosis can really help us.
So what is the answer, can we change our habits, and change our bodies in the process? Well, that’s where hypnosis through weight loss might indeed come in handy because hypnosis is one very effective way of dealing with our subconscious mind. If we can change our unconscious thinking patterns, we can change the thinking that causes us to overeat and under exercise now wouldn’t that be good.
Hypnosis does not involve going into a ‘deep deep sleep’; it does not involve swinging pocket watches either; it does not consist of looking deep into someone’s eyes. It simply consists of accessing a natural brain state in which the subconscious mind is particularly receptive to positive suggestions, this known as auto suggestion.
Nice post...
Keep Your Update
Preview lagi nih sobat...Sukses selalu ya Go for it..!
cring cring criingg.. aroma2 dollar bertaburan nii :) traktiiiiiiiiiirrr!!! :D:D:D:D
sukses terus sob. banyak job review neh.aku malah belum pernah dapat job sama sekali.
kasih tipsnya donk
mantep sob ;) saya pengen sixpack neh sobat ada gak ya terapinya?
selamat malem sahabat blogger wah bahagia saya hari ini report TA lancar dan nambah info ditempat sahabat.
:) baru nntn hary potter di trans tv bagus
ehm kalo anak susah makan bisa ga ya ditherapy pakai hipnotis gitu? kalo ada yang tahu bisa kasih info dong ke saya
thanks bantuannya
makasih infonya dill....siiip, sukses selalu ya....
thanks ya atas kunjungannya...
wacana baru yg menarik..
trs klo yg dihipnotis pola makanya ttp rakus gmn ?
im interesting about 'hypnosis is one very effective way of dealing with our subconscious mind. If we can change our unconscious thinking patterns, we can change the thinking that causes us to overeat and under exercise now wouldn’t that be good.'
thats logic..
btw..hw many sample from ur journal dil?
thx u
hipnotis? opo kui? panganan? hehehe
i never thougt about weight loss myself,,, i am underweight ..... :p
Terapi hipnosis memang luar biasa.
Sukses selalu !
aduh dr dulu pengen bisa hipnosis, kagak kelar2 ni. susah gak ya belajarnya????
wah.. baru tau nih saya klo hipnosis bs buat Weight loss. mksh ya infonya :D
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